Internalizing Disorders - Depression

26 important questions on Internalizing Disorders - Depression

What are the differnt types of mood disorders?

  • Major depressive disorder
    • at least 2 weeks, at least 5 symptoms
  • Persistent depressive disorder
    • at least 2 years, 2-4 symptoms
  • Minor depression
    • at least 2 weeks, 2-4 symptoms
  • Bipolar disorder
    • additional manic episodes

What are cognitive symptoms of depression?

  • Poor focus
  • Indecisiveness
  • Low self-esteem
  • Hopelessness
  • Suicidal thoughts
  • Delusions

What are physiological symptoms of depression?

  • Distupted sleep and appetite
  • Psychomotor problems
  • Catatonia
  • Fatigue
  • Amnesia
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What does depression with vital characteristics look like?

  • Not experiencing pleasure
  • Different quality depression
  • Worse morning
  • Wake up early
  • Psychomotor inhibition
  • Weightloss
  • Feeling guilty

What does depression with katatonic characteristics look like?

  • Motoric immobility
  • Hypermobility
  • Bizar postures
  • Resistance to movement

What does depression with atypical characteristics look like?

  • Positive mood after event
  • Larger appetite
  • Too much sleep
  • Tired
  • Sensitivity towards rejection

What does depression with postpartum beginning look like?

Within 4 weeks after childbirth

What does depression with seasonal pattern look like?

Recurring depression during 2 years in a specific season

What does the epidemology of depression look like?

  • 4.4-5% of the world
  • Majority in east and south asia
  • Average episode duration is 6 months
  • LIfe-time prevalence is 10.6%
  • 2x as much in females than males
  • High comorbidity

What is the median age of depressions onset?

16 in high income countries, 24 in low income countries

What are riskfactors associated with depression?

  • Genetics
  • Prenatal factors (e.g. smoking)
  • Early life trauma (e.g. abuse, neglect)
  • Parental depression
  • Cognitive styles
  • Stressful life events
  • Vulnerability

What makes prevention of depression so difficult?

Lots of people with these risk factors don’t develop depression, but then some do

What do psychological theories on depression focus on?

  • Behavior theory
  • Cognitive theory
  • Psychodynamic theory
  • Interpersonal theory

What does the stress-vulnerability model look like?

You are vulnerable (e.g. brain structure, hormonal or even cognitive style) + a stressful life event = depression

What can prevention be aimed at in regard to depression?

  • Universal
    • aimed at the whole population
  • Selective
    • aimed at high risk groups
  • Indicated
    • aimed at people who have some symptoms but do not have MDD yet

What are the 2 types of treatment available for depression?

  • Case identification (screening programs)
  • Standard treatment (psychotherapy, drugs)

What are the aimes of depression treatments?

  • Reduce symptoms
  • Improve quality of life
  • Reduce impairment
  • Shorten the episode
  • Prevent recurrence

What does psychological treatment for depression look like?

  • CBT
  • Interpersonal therapy
  • Behavioral activication
  • Problem solving therapy

What is the aim of CBT?

Adjusting maladaptive cognitive styles

What is the aim of interpersonal therapy?

Assumes the problems are due to interpersonal issues

What is the aim of behavioral activication?

Changing behavior and increasing pleasurable activities

What is the aim of problem solving therapy?

Systematically solving problems in subjects life

What are some important things to know about psychological treatment related to depression?

  • Effects of these therapies are moderate to large
  • But it’s considerably overestimated due to problems of using randomized trails with this
  • Effects are measured in ‘standardized mean differences’ (smd) indicating the difference between treatment & untreated control groups in terms of standard deviations

What types of medication are available for depression?

  • SSRI’s (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor)
  • SNRI’s (serotonin & norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor)
  • TCA (tricyclic antidepressants)

What are other treatments available for depression?

  • Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT)
  • Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS)
  • Light therapy
  • Complementary & Alternative Medicine (st. John’s Wort)
  • Exercise

What are the 6 main components of effective cbt?

  • Psychoeducation
  • Somatic management
  • Cognitive restructering
  • Problem solving
  • Exposure
  • Relapse prevention

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