Eating Disorders - Eating Disorders & Depression

6 important questions on Eating Disorders - Eating Disorders & Depression

How can negative emotions impact eating disorders?

  1. Negative emotions as antecedents, then the person deals with them by an obsession with food, weight and compulsuve dieting
  2. Negative emotions as consequents, due to the hormonal effects of starving and as a result of suffering from relapses, shame and guilt

What is emotional eating?

Eating in response to negative emotions and/or stress (note: a normal response to stress = eating less)

What is the affect regulation model?

Sees binge eating as a way of reducing and avoiding negative affect, it provides temporary comfort & helps individuals cope with painful emotions
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What is Baumeister's self-regulatory strength model?

Suppressed eating (self-control to not overeat) is “released” when the individual no longer has the energy to maintain the suppression (e.g. when stressed)

What are eating disorders about, aside from weight and shape?

The negative emotions hidden behind it are of great influence

What can clients with eating disorders benefit from?

Autonomy-enhancing treatment: CBT and system/family therapy

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