Externalizing Disorders - ODD, CD & ASPD - Oppositional Defiant Disorder

7 important questions on Externalizing Disorders - ODD, CD & ASPD - Oppositional Defiant Disorder

What are typical aspects of ODD?

  • A pattern of hostile, disobedient, and defiant behaviors directed at authority figures
  • Displaying angry and irritable moods,
  • Displaying argumentative and vindictive behaviors 

What are the 4 dimensions that underlie ODD?

  1. Agression
  2. Noncompliance
  3. Temper loss
  4. Low concern for others

How are ODD classified in the DSM-5?

  • Must show 4 or more symptoms
  • Symptoms must be present for 6 or more months
  • Must show this behavior to at least 1 non-sibling
  • < age 5: Must exhibit symptoms (almost) daily
  • 5+: must exhibit symptoms weekly
  • Must cause distress/negative consequences
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What is a symptom of ODD that is in line with vindictivness?

Spiteful or vindictive at least twice within the past 6 months

What is the prevalence of ODD?

  • General population: 1-11%
  • Clinical population: 28-65%

What is the gender difference in relation to ODD?

Boy-girl ratio is 1.4 to 1

Where do symptoms first manifest?

At home,  then transition to multiple settings

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