Externalizing Disorders - Substance Use & Gambling Disorders

7 important questions on Externalizing Disorders - Substance Use & Gambling Disorders

Why is adoloscence a window of vulnerability when it comes to substance abuse and gambling disorders?

  • It’s a transitional phase between childhood & adulthood
  • Their brain is still developing, leading to
    • Heightened novelty-seeking
    • Evolving self-regulation
This can lead to risk-taking behavior

What is the problem behavior syndrome?

If adolescents are at risk for one problem behavior, they tend to be at risk for others

What is meant by physical dependence?

Susceptibility to withdrawel symptoms
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What is meant by withdrawal symptoms?

Physical and/or psychological effects after reducing and/or stopping a substance (reverse of intoxication effects)

What is meant by psychological dependence?

Craving and/or compulsions to use substances despite their harm

What is meant by substance intoxication?

Set of behavioral and/or psychological changes resulting from physiological effects of a substance

What is the difference between acute and chronic intoxication?

acute is immediate, chronic is when you use the substance regularly for a long time

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