Essed, P. (2002). Cloning cultural homogeneity while talking diversity: Old wine in new bottles in Dutch organizations. Transforming Anthropology, 11, 2-12

12 important questions on Essed, P. (2002). Cloning cultural homogeneity while talking diversity: Old wine in new bottles in Dutch organizations. Transforming Anthropology, 11, 2-12

What is the definition of cultural cloning by Essed?

The criteria for new employees are the same as the profile of the preferred professional: masculine, white, highly educated etc. This same-kind preference over time, reproducing a certain profile or image of a profession, is cultural cloning

How is cultural cloning a universal phenomenon?

It is not confined to Western cultures or to dominant groups

What is the meaning of "managing diversity" imported from the US?

How to integrate and regulate "difference" in the existing cultures and structures without changing the nature of the work organizations?
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What is the "minority policy" established from the 1980s onwards in the Netherlands?

A range of institutional measures, partly mean to compensate for the perceived deficits in ethnic minority cultures compared to native Dutch lifestyles and partly to fight extremely high levels of unemployment

What does Essed think of the NL having approaches faced on the assimilation and integration?

At the heart of assimilation is the pressupposition that the nation-state is racially/ethnically homogeneous entity in which all members receive equal treatment: they are absorbed int he host culture with the melting pot

What are two examples of Dutch methods to assimilate immigrants?

When Indonesian immigrants were divided into gender roles: lessons in cleaning for women and reschooling into a profession for men
Expectation of women to work less when they take care of children, underrepresentation in science etc.

What were the findings of Choenni & Van der Zwan 1987?

Many Dutch personnel officers were unwilling to hire nonwhite employees for functions where they are visible

With what does Essed compare positive action and why?

Antibiotics: it is a rough remedy to get rid of the most harmful bacteria, but it also kills harmless bacteria which creates immunity in the long term. It has been characterized as positive discrimination

What is the concept of hyper visibility?

Exaggerated expectations: you are either seen as supercompetent and therefore an exception of the group or supermalfunctioning and therefore confirm the stereotypes

Why is the positive action of women and ethnic minorities failing?

1) the myth is reinforced that there has never been any preference until now
2) only few voices have challenged employers to prove that their interpretation of competence and quality invites diversity rather than homogeneity

What is the origin of the 4D-model?

Kwame Nimako identified four policy approaches to the problem of demographic diversity and labor market participation in Amsterdam South-East

Why should be managing diversity as a concept embraced after all?

It is an instrument of control which tends to homogenize in order to regulate the workplace
The construct of diversity has not been subjected to conceptual contest
The philosophy underlying managing diversity is questionable

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