Cynthia Enloe

5 important questions on Cynthia Enloe

Why are nurses considered to be the least serious wartime actors?

1) perform under men supervision
2) duties are considered to be feminine work, comforting them

How has the attention been for nurses in war time?

Feminist historians have devoted intellectual attention to nurses, other attention has been objectifying them

What is gender essentialization?

promote the idea that something can be only ‘naturally’done by people of a certain biological sex: For the essentialist, it follows that women serve as nurses to wounded male soldiers because ‘that’s just the way it is and has been’.
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What is feminization/masculinization?

o open up vast fields for historical and political investigation. To study how someone invests effort and resources into making a particular role at a particular time something which men are imagined to do best.

What is different in maculinization and feminization?

Mascunlinization is more about radicalization and class presumptions:  these sorts of men should be promoted to be special operations soldiers, while those sorts of men should be funneled into low-ranking infantry unit. Feminization is more about taking specific actions to ensure that women play only certain roles with minimal influence

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