Gowricharn, R., & Çankaya, S. (2017). Policing the nation: Acculturation and street-level bureaucrats in professional life. Sociology, 51, 1101-1117
13 important questions on Gowricharn, R., & Çankaya, S. (2017). Policing the nation: Acculturation and street-level bureaucrats in professional life. Sociology, 51, 1101-1117
The authors highlight that individuals having influence on migrants in assimilating them has rarely been addressed. What are the two types of micro-level interactions that convey culture to migrants?
2. Professionals that enforce behaviour and underlying norms
What are the two drawbacks of acculturation (transfer of culture)?
2) happens through individual participation in the host society
How can the two drawbacks of acculturation be overcome?
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Why does the concept of norm images proved an important alternative to the emptiness of the acculturation model?
How has Berry's aculturation model (assimilation, integration, separation and marginalization) been criticized?
What did Hoetink and Gowricharn develop?
What are two parts of Dutch culture that are highlighted in policy for newcomers?
What are three important features which should be taken into account regarding the norm images of the police organization?
Street police enjoy a large degree of discretion
Power differential between officers and citizens is an important precondition for conveyance of cultural norms
How was the data collected in this study?
What are the two elements that are linked with the norm image of the nation?
Loyalty: especially for police officers that are a minority; they should be loyal to the NL
What is the policing of ethnicity?
How is speaking another language beside Dutch being conceived inside of the police?
What is expected of minority police officers in terms of loyalty?
The question on the page originate from the summary of the following study material:
- A unique study and practice tool
- Never study anything twice again
- Get the grades you hope for
- 100% sure, 100% understanding
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