Amnesty International Report – Police & Minority Groups, read only pages 35-45

8 important questions on Amnesty International Report – Police & Minority Groups, read only pages 35-45

On which two levels can ethnic profiling occur and what is the consequence?

Organizational with procedures or instructions to disproportionality targeting specific groups
Individual officer level whose decision making is influenced by personal bias

Does ethnic profiling make the police work more effective?

No, opposite of that. The police are more likely to spend time on stops without an outcome while missing out on suspects that do not fit the profiled group

Are there court cases and soft law instruments known that prohibit racial profiling?

Yes, for example the UN Human Rights Committee and the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance, but also the ECHR in Timishev vs Russia
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What should be established according to Amnesty international that would have a lower risk of ethnic profiling?

It should be ensured that police are provided with procedures which clarify what does and what does not constitute a legitimate ground for suspicion.

What is intelligence-based profiling and why can this be helpful?

This limits the discretion of the individual officer in identifying suspicious individuals and instead bases this on objective data: now the officers have criterions that are objective and not based on ethnicity

What is one of the criterions before intelligence-based profiling is really objective?

The data should not be biased: otherwise the targeted group will be subject to disproportionate police attention leading to a falsified picture of their involvement in criminality compared to other groups

What should also be noted as very important for police officers to regain trust?

The interactions with the police can be very negative, therefore the police officer should be able to answer the question why the person has been stopped.

What are the four recommendations Amnesty makes?

Police should identify ethnic profiling and adopt measures to counter it
Monitoring police stops with for example stop forms
Police need to pay attention to the way minority groups perceive stops as mistrust leads to assumptions of ethnic profiling
Training should be done in how personal bias can influence police officers

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