Kalev, A., Dobbin, F., & Kelly, E. (2006). Best practices or best guesses? Assessing the efficacy of corporate affirmative action and diversity policies. American sociological review, 71, 589-617

10 important questions on Kalev, A., Dobbin, F., & Kelly, E. (2006). Best practices or best guesses? Assessing the efficacy of corporate affirmative action and diversity policies. American sociological review, 71, 589-617

What is better: yearly trainings on diversity or committees with responsibilities for change?

The latter

What needs to change in the responsibility of diversity according to Weber and the institutionalists?

It shouldn't be everyone's responsibility, because it's too much and people will get back in old roles. It should be one person's responsibility in a specific role

What do the three approaches for the organizational change share?

Focus on responsibility; an organization with someone assigned to a task with monitoring with explicit goals for progress, are helping the achievements
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What are the two forms of behavioral changes?

Education via diversity training and feedback via performance evaluations

What are ways of treating social isolation?

Networking and mentoring: white men find jobs through networks, so there need to be networks founded with mentoring for minority groups

What are adverse effects of diversity practices?

Executives may believe that women and minorities benefit from reverse discrimination and don't deserve their positions. There may be negative reactions and fear for union organizing. Also some studies find that racially diverse work groups communicate less effectively and are less coherent

What are the factors thought to affect management diversity?

Legal enforcement in hiring people, organizational structures (in HR for example), top management composiition, labor market and economic environment

What is an interesting find for mentor and guidance programs?

Personal guidance and support is more effective for black women, while networking is more effective for white women

How has the combination of diversity training, evaluation, networking and mentoring programs been researched in combination with responsibility structures?

These are more effective in combination! They positively affect all groups with their preference for the choices next to responsibility structures

What is the conclusion of the article?

"our f indings suggest that although inequality in attainment at work may be rooted in managerial bias and the social iso- lation of women and minorities, the best hope for remedying it may lie in practices that assign organizational responsibility for change."

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