Ioana Varbriescu

8 important questions on Ioana Varbriescu

What is the method used in this article?

She interviewed Roma and non-Roma by semi structured interviews. IPV is seen in this article as a social injustice issue.

What is internalized guilt?

Victim blaming by society and institutions makes that the emotion guit comes up with women experiencing IPV

What kind of role does shame play?

Family plays a big role when women victims of IPV experience shame: leaving their aggressor could cause shame towards their parents or children
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Why are guilt and shame essential issues of IPV?

The abuse of women reflects different types of suffering and mental illness
IPV is an expression of power relations, not only between partners but also embedded in social environment

Why do women victims of IPV tend not to choose for help?

Shame and guilt are ingroup codes and security

Is judging also a point in IPV for Roma and non-Roma victims?

Yes. They are afraid of self-identity and labeling of others. It also would reinforce the stereotypes of minority men as being violent

What do civil servants do against IPV?

They claim to not discriminate, but they are blaming external factors for the violence against women; for example alcohol or money

Why is the solidarity weak in a patriarchal/oppressive structure?

They cause a micro politics of emotions and get in the way of seeking help from others or addressing it in public. Living in the same neighborhood also strengthens ties. This is why Roma victims present more acts of solidarity

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