Ramdas, S., Slootman, M., Oudenhoven-van der Zee, K. (2019). The VU Mixed Classroom Educational Model

4 important questions on Ramdas, S., Slootman, M., Oudenhoven-van der Zee, K. (2019). The VU Mixed Classroom Educational Model

Which two concepts that are seen as two different does the VU bring together?

The International Classroom and the diverse classroom: learning outcomes can benefit from building upon the diversity

The term Mixed Classroom is not used in a descriptive way, but how is it?

It is the name of the educational model of the VU, in which students learn how to open up to differences and to co-create an inclusive environment

What does the VU want to encourage?

Interdisciplinarity, different perspectives in their field, academic interactions, reflect on their role and make their voice heard
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What are the three fases and where are the interventions aimed at?

Sensitizing = creating a safe learning environment
Engaging = stimulating constructive interaction
Optimizing = using perspectives to enhance learning experiences

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