The industrial revolution - 1848: year of Revolution

5 important questions on The industrial revolution - 1848: year of Revolution

What is the conference of Vienna

A meeting in 1815 at which the victors from napoleon restore order in Europe; at this meeting it was decided that the Netherlands should be a monarchy

What is a conservative

Someone who thinks that tradition is important and is often against change

How did the Netherlands become a monarchy

After the fall of Napoleon 1815, the victors decided at the conference of Vienna that the Netherlands should be a monarchy. William Frederick become king of the Netherland
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Why was 1848 an important year for Europe

In 1848, there were roits in many European cities. People violently demanded political reforms and sometimes even tried to take over their governments

How did the Netherlands get a new constitution

Out of fear of a revolution, King William II agreed two sign a new constitution. The liberal politician Johan Thorbecke wrote this new constitution

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