The industrial revolution - The social issue

6 important questions on The industrial revolution - The social issue

What is a socialism

An economic and political system that is focussed on equality and on the protection of the weak in society

What is a trade union

Organisation of labourers to fight for better working conditions

What is a social issue

The problem in society of the bad working conditions, health and houses of the poor
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What are social laws

Laws that improve the living and working conditions of people

How did labourers fight for a better life

Labourers joined together in trade unions. Then they could hold a strike

What is the meaning of capitalism and socialism

they are both economic system. In capitalism, private owners run most companies.
The profit is reinvested in the own company.
In socialism,  the assets used to make money
( factories, offices, etc.)
are owned by the whole of society.
the profit belongs to everyone in that society

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