Non-parametric tests & transformation

6 important questions on Non-parametric tests & transformation

What are the most common transformations in ecology?

  • If s^2 > mean: log (growth, biomass)
  • if s^2 = mean: sqrt (area, size)

What do you do if there is a zero in your dataset?

Add 1 to your entire dataset.
(+0.5 if you are doing the square root)

What do you do if it is impossible to transform you data to a normal distribution?

Do a non parametric test.
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When do you use a Wilcoxon matched pairs test?

  • Not normal distribution
  • Matched pairs (measuring chick weight twice, a couple weeks apart)

How do you illustrate not normally distributed data?

Using a boxplot, medians with 4 quartiles.
The shape of the boxplot represents the distribution of your data.

What do parametric tests assume?

That the data come from a data distribution characterized by certain parameters (e.g., mean, SD).

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