M10: Private and Social health insurance

20 important questions on M10: Private and Social health insurance

The demand for insurance depends on 6 things, which?

  1. The consumer’s risk aversion;
  2. The loss-probability
  3. The loss;
  4. The loading fee;
  5. The consumer’s income/wealth;
  6. Moral hazard.

Where does the premium consist of?

Premium = risk premium + loading fee (incl. administrative costs, profits, etc.)

Where does the risk premium consists of?

Risk premium (or actuarially fair rate) = the expected loss based solely on the probability of the event occurring
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What happens with the expected profits with perfect competition?

The expected profits on each insurance contract will tend to zero (because competition minimizes predictable profits).

Give two advantages and two disadvantages of health insurance

  1. Welfare gain for risk-averse individuals
  2. Access to care that would otherwise be unaffordable

  1. High expenses due to moral hazard;
  2. High expenses due to loading fee

Enthoven understands health insurance as social insurance. What is his definition of social insurance?

Health insurance is appropriately understood as social insurance and not casualty insurance. Social insurance assures universal financial access to the decent minimum and requires the well to share in the cost of care of the sick. The element of cross-subsidy is essential.

What are the non-essential and essential aspects of SI?

  • mandatory
  • taxes
  • community rating
  • earmarked contribution

  • cross-subsidies

Give the three distinct health care systems prior to 1989

  1. Bismarck system (Germany, 1883): social insurance system;
  2. Semashko system (Soviet Union, 1918): centralized systems of communist countries;
  3. Beveridge system (United Kingdom, 1948): National Health Service (NHS).

Give two economic arguments to enforce mandatory crosssubsidies

  1. Externalities (altruistic preferences; communicable diseases);
  2. The financial risk of becoming a high risk in the future. (mandatory crosssubsidies can provide assurance against long-term health risks).

Give four economic arguments to make health insurance mandatory (assuming health insurance is affordable):

  1. The prevention of free riding (some people may purposely not buy health insurance);
  2. A lack of foresight (individuals do not always know what is in their best interest, which may lead to underinsurance);
  3. Transaction costs of organizing crosssubsidies;
  4. Prevention of adverse selection

Demand for insurance exists if individuals are risk averse, what are the characteristics of the individuals utility? (3x)

  1. The disutility of losing money exceeds the utility of gaining a similar amount;
  2. The individual’s marginal utility of wealth is diminishing;
  3. The individual’s utility function is concave (bowed out to the x-axis).

Give six tools for scaling up health insurance

  1. providing information about “what insurance is”;
  2. regulation of the insurance market (e.g. concerning solvency requirements);
  3. tools to reduce (supply-induced) moral hazard;
  4. providing subsidies
  5. mandatory community rating;
  6. mandatory health insurance.

What are the four disadvantages of community rating?

  1. Selection
  2. Cross-subsidies most likely disproportional:
    1. Also cross-subsidies for risk factors such as oversupply and inefficiency;
    2. Also subsidies to high-income high-risks;
  3. Indirect premium differentiation via product differentiation.
  4. Sponsor forbids the high risks to pay extra premium to buy good quality care.

What are the four advantages of community rating?

  1. Transparency;
  2. Low transaction costs;
  3. Implicit cross-subsidies are mostly not considered as ‘public finance’ (like explicit contributions);
  4. It is believed to be a good guarantee for making health insurance affordable for high risks (holds only in the short term).

Why is community rating so popular? Give four reasons

  1. The direct effect on affordability is immediately visible;
  2. Potential indirect effects, such as poor-quality care or high premiums for the high risks may only show up after some years.
  3. Unawareness of the disadvantages;
  4. The perception that risk selection is not a problem

Give the characteristics of the Health Insurance Act (since 2006)

  1. Mandate for everyone in the Netherlands to buy individual private health insurance from a private insurer;
  2. Standard benefits package;
  3. Broad coverage: e.g. physician services, hospital care, drugs, medical devices, rehabilitation, prevention, mental care, dental care (children);
  4. Mandatory deductible: €385 (in 2018) per person (18+) per year
  5. Individual insurer is assumed to be(come) the prudent buyer of care;
  6. Much flexibility in defining the consumer’s concrete insurance entitlements;
  7. Selective contracting insurers - providers;
  8. Open enrolment & ‘community rating per insurer’ for each type of health insurance contract;
  9. Income-related care allowances per household;
  10. Risk equalization

Give the characteristics of the consumer choice in the Health Insurance Act

  1. Annual consumer choice of insurer and choice of insurance contract:
    1. in kind, or reimbursement, or a combination;
    2. preferred provider arrangement;
    3. voluntary additional deductible: at most + €500 per person (18+) per year;
    4. premium rebate (<10%) for groups.
  2. Voluntary supplementary insurance.

In what ways does health insurance differ from other indemnity insurance? (4x)

  1. Ex-ante appraisal of the loss is difficult --> MH
  2. Hard to relate the premium to preventive activities --> MH
  3. Reimbursement also in case of „own fault‟ --> MH
  4. Social HI --> cross subsidies

What are the essential differences between social and private health insurance? Note this question is odd because the opposite of social is asocial and of private is public.

Social insurance is any governmentsponsored program with the following four characteristics:
  1. The benefits, eligibility requirements and other aspects of the program are defined by statute;
  2. Explicit provision is made to account for the income and expenses (often through a trust fund);
  3. It is funded by taxes or premiums paid by (or on behalf of) participants (but additional sources of funding may be provided as well); and
  4. The program serves a defined population, and participation is either compulsory or so heavily subsidized that most eligible individuals choose to participate.

What are similarities between social insurance and private insurance?

  1. Wide pooling of risks;
  2. Specific definitions of the benefits provided;
  3. Specific definitions of eligibility rules and the amount of coverage provided;
  4. Specific premium, contribution or tax rates required to meet the expected costs of the system.

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