M11: Comparative healthcare systems

6 important questions on M11: Comparative healthcare systems

Which systems does belong to which?
  1. Traditional sickness fund insurance
  2. National Health Insurance
  3. National health services
  4. Mixed systems 

  1. Bismarck-model
  2. None
  3. Beveridge-model” and “Somashkomodel”
  4. None

What is the rationale for a third party in healthcare?

  1. Risk and uncertainty;
  2. Information asymmetry;
  3. Externalities (e.g. “altruïstic preferences”; contagious diseases).

What are the main functions for third parties in healthcare?

  1. Insurance function;
  2. Agency function;
    1. reducing moral hazard;
    2. providing information about the quality of care;
    3. being a prudent buyer of care on behalf of the consumer;
  3. Access function: to guarantee universal access to basic health services
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What are the major goal of healthcare reforms?

  1. In many European / OECD countries: a Third Party acting as an effective agent on behalf of the consumer (the second function);
  2. in low-income countries: all three functions!
  3. Always ask: who is the purchaser (or payor) of health care?!

Who can perform the third party role?

Insurance companies:
  • Employers;
  • Unions;
  • Providers of care (e.g. polyclinicfund holder);
  • Integrated insurer-provider organizations;
  • Government (national, regional and local).

How does the money go from the one party to another party? There are three models of paying providers by third party payers, which?

  1. Reimbursement model
  2. Contract model
  3. integrated model

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