M5: Value-based payment reform

13 important questions on M5: Value-based payment reform

Do the following payment methods lead to overprovision or underprovision?
  • FFS
  • Capitation
and does the payment method 'salary' lead to high quality?
And what about: risk selection, prevention, and productivity?

Fee-for-service (FFS):
  • Stimulates overprovision
  • discourages prevention

  • stimulates underprovision
  • triggers risk selection

  • no incentive for high-quality
  • no incentive for productivity

Value is a multidimensional concept, but what are the four key value dimensions?

  1. High quality care:
    1. 'Technical' quality and patient satisfaction
  2. Cost-conscious behaviour:
    1. Scarce resources are efficiently used
  3. Well-coordinated care:
    1. Providers from different disciplines communicate and cooperate well in order to realise integrated care across the continuum of care.
  4. Prevention:
    1. (deteriorations of) health problems are prevented (in a cost-effective way)

What is the multitasking problem?

The challenge of designing incentives to motivate appropriate effort across multiple tasks when the desired outcomes for some tasks are more difficult to measure than others.
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VBP consists of two core components, explain these. How are they linked to P4P and capitation?

  1. Global base payment:
    1. Capitation with implicit incentives for value aspects that are not measurable.
  2. Small variable payment
    1. P4P (top iceberg) that explicitly rewards measurable aspects of value

Which value dimensions are incentivized by the components of VBP?

Variable payment: indicators particularly for quality.
Global base payment: cost-conscious behaviour, well-coordinated care, prevention.

Give five key features of a theoretically optimal base payment. Explain per feature what it stimulates

  1. Is an integral payment to a multidisciplinary provider group: to stimulate well-coordinated care.
  2. Covers a cohesive set of care activities to a predefined population: to stimulate prevention and holistic care.
  3. Is fixed for a defined period of time: to stimulate cost conscious behaviour.
  4. Is adjusted for the risk-profile of the target population: to prevent undesired behaviour that may thwart value.
  5. Includes risk-mitigating measures for healthcare providers: to prevent undesired behaviour that my thwart value.

What is the payment method for Alternative Quality Contract (AQC) & Medicare Shared Savings Program (MSSP)?
How is the target/payment set?
Name three features.
What is the contract duration for AQC and MSSP?

Payment method: AQC & MSSP = FFS
  1. Historical spending
  2. AQC past 3 years, negotiable and MSSP past 3 years
  3. Relative cost benchmarks market or peers
Contract duration:
AQC = 5 years
MSSP >= 3 years  

Is there a one or two-sided risk for AQC & MSSP?

AQC: two-sided risk
MSSP: depends on Track

Give four reasons why there is great potential to enhance value:

  • Deficiencies and variation in quality of care exist.
  • The level of spending growth on health care is unsustainable
  • The delivery system is fragmented
  • Lacking incentives for (primary) prevention  

Value-based payment (VBP) reform is a crucial element in the pursuit of VBHC. Why? Give 3 reasons.

  1. Financial incentives are always present in any sector of economy
  2. Providers respond to financial incentives and can influence demand
  3. Providers do not always act as perfect agent of patients

Although financial incentives are important, not all incentives are financial

Limitations of bundled payments (4x)

  1. Designing bundled payments is a complex undertaking
  2. Payment is still volume-based
  3. Incentives for cost-consciousness and coordination are condition- or treatment-oriented and do not apply to the whole person
  4. Evidence regarding (cost-)effectiveness is limited

Give three purposes of riskadjustment

  1. Fairness in payment allocation
  2. ACOs willingness to accept high-risks
  3. ACOs focusing fully on optimizing value

Which (mixture of) payment method(s) would be suitable for stimulating both cost containment and high quality of care? Explain your answer

E.g. a combination of a fixed, prospectively determined base payment with risk-sharing provisions (for cost containment) and P4Pincentives for quality.

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