Value-based payment reform - VBP: meeting

8 important questions on Value-based payment reform - VBP: meeting

What is fee-for-service

Providers are reimbursed for each discrete service provided

Why is fee-for-service poorly aligned with value? (4x)

  1. Rewards volume
  2. Maintains fragmentation
  3. Discourages prevention
  4. Has no link with quality

What is pay-for-performance?

Explicit financial incentives for ‘good performance’ as measured by a set of predefined indicators
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What are predefined indicators of pay-for-performance?

  • Performance often operationalized as quality of care, usually measured using process indicators (≠ outcome!)
  • P4P typically applied as relatively small add-on to existing payment structures (leaving incentives in those underlying payments intact)

What are the advantages of pay-for-performance? (3x)

  1. Theoretically and intuitively appealing
  2. May contribute to better care (if done well)
  3. May enable providers to invest in quality

What are the limitations / risks of pay-for-performance? (3x)

  1. 'Performance’ difficult to measure (especially outcomes)
  2. Flawed incentives in underlying payment system left intact
  3. Might lead to undesired strategic behaviour

What are the advantages of bundled payments? (4x)

  1. Minimize costs for care covered by the payment
  2. Coordinate care well, realize seamless integrated care
  3. Improve quality by reducing harmful overtreatment
  4. Prevent complications (if part of bundle)

What are the limitations / risks of bundled payment? (4x)

  1. Unwarranted increase in the number of bundles
  2. Underutilization of necessary services
  3. Risk selection (‘cherry picking’)
  4. Compartmentalization of patients into separate conditions

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