Production of health & healthcare - The health production function

4 important questions on Production of health & healthcare - The health production function

What is the output of the health production function?

It is a measure of health status (H)
  • H = h (healthcare, schooling, nutrition, prevention, safety, ...)
    • Healthcare is one of the inputs of health

What questions do we need to ask to know about the contribution of healthcare to the population health? (2x)

  1. How to measure population's health?
  2. How to estimate the impact of health on healthcare?

What do we need to measure population's health?

We need to measure the populations health status by capturing those aspects of health that are meaningful, but they need to be measured with accuracy. They have to be quantifiable
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What are typical ways of measuring (population) health? (3x)

  1. Mortality / life expactency
  2. morbidity / disability
  3. Disability-adjusted life expectancy(DALE)

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