Production of health & healthcare - The role of healthcare in improving health

5 important questions on Production of health & healthcare - The role of healthcare in improving health

What has been the relative contribution of healthcare to health?

practitioner-provided medical interventions played only a small, perhaps negligible, role in the historical decline in population mortality rates until the mid-twentieth century

What had the biggest influence on the increased life expectancy around the world?

Access to food, hygiene and the spread of knowledge about the sources of disease

What were the three main periods that helped with declining mortality?

  1. Economic growth (1750 - 1850)
  2. Improvement of public  health facilities (1850 - 1950)
  3. Improvement in medicine (1950 - now)
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What are the marginal effects of health care at a country level?

Healthcare expenditure has a demonstrably positive marginal effects on outcomes

What is the effect of healthcare at the individual level?

  • It is effective when poor people are in poor health.
  • People may say they are healthier than they objectively are.
  • Treatment to older people (65+) resulted in significant reduction of mortality

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