Demand for Health & Healthcare - Three models for health care demand

4 important questions on Demand for Health & Healthcare - Three models for health care demand

When is healthcare worth it?

When it generates utility.
So, when it improves health or quality of life

What is the relationship between demand for health and healthcare?

The demand for healthcare is derived  from the demand for health.

What are the critiques on the assumptions of the medico-technical model? (5x)

  1. Doctors are not perfect agents but also pursue their own, sometimes conflicting interests
  2. Doctors often do not know with certainty the effect of medical treatments
  3. Consumers do not have uniform preferences for medical care, even if they would be equally well-informed as their doctors
  4. Consumers do not fully comply with the decisions of their doctors
  5. Consumers are not insensitive to prices and income
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What may happen in the imperfect agency model?

Providers act as an imperfect agent on behalf of their patients and may use their information surplus to pursue their own interests (income, status, leisure), which may conflict with the patient's interest.

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