Asymmetric information, agency & supplier induced demand - Asymmetric information & Principal-agent issues in healthcare - Asymmetric information and agency relationships

5 important questions on Asymmetric information, agency & supplier induced demand - Asymmetric information & Principal-agent issues in healthcare - Asymmetric information and agency relationships

When do agency relationships occur?

In markets where asymmetric information is part of the transactions

When to principal-agent problems emerge?

When the principal and the agent have conflicting interests.
Agents may have an incentive to exploit their information surplus
  • can result in inefficient outcomes (for quality, quantity and price)

When are principal-agent problems exacerbated?

If there is considerable outcome uncertainty in which case it is not clear whether the outcome is the result by the actions of the agent
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Which three parties are there within health care markets?

  1. Patient
  2. Provider
  3. 'Third-party' payers

What is the double agent role of physicians?

With regard to patients:
  • To provide quality care
With regard to third-party payers:
  • To economize on the use of care

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