CAPITALISM AND DEMOCRACY: AFFLUENCE, INEQUALITY, AND THE ENVIRONMENT - Capitalism, growth and environmental sustainability - Democracy and the challenge of environmental sustainability

3 important questions on CAPITALISM AND DEMOCRACY: AFFLUENCE, INEQUALITY, AND THE ENVIRONMENT - Capitalism, growth and environmental sustainability - Democracy and the challenge of environmental sustainability

How did organizations of the less well of use an increase of their power?

They used this power to alter laws and government policies so as to advance their own economic interests.

Why is the relationship between democracy and the challenge of environmental sustainability complex?

  • National costs and global benefits: Democracy is a form of government of a nation, and while the citizens of a nation may adopt policies to protect the environment of that particular nation—its lakes and streams, its green spaces—they may have little incentive to protect the global environment, particularly if they will bear the costs and a great many others share in the benefits.
  • Effect on future generations: Democratic citizens today are making decisions affecting people who may not be born for hundreds of years. These future generations do not have a vote.

What are external effects?

when an action taken by a person has consequences—benefits or costs—that are felt by others and which are not taken into account by the person taking the action.

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