7 important questions on CAPITALISM AND DEMOCRACY: AFFLUENCE, INEQUALITY, AND THE ENVIRONMENT - The capitalist revolution

How do we define a capitalist economy?

Combination of 3 institutions
1. private property: the right and expectation that one can enjoy one's own choosing, exclude others from their use, and dispose of them by gift or sale to others who then become their owners.
2. market: A way of connecting people who may mutually benefit by exchanging goods or services through a process of buying and selling.

3. firm: A business organization which pays wages and salaries to employ people, and purchases inputs, to produce and market goods and services with the intention of making a profit.

What are some characteristics of an market

They are reciprocated (e.g money for goods)
they are voluntary (because they are private properties)
In most markets there is competition
Markets are cooperative ( working together)

What is a reason that the pace of capitalism has increased for working people?

1. Successful firms can grow and shrink in a few years. (employees from the labor market e.g can expand their firm)
2. Ability to adapt
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Why is it true that we become better at producing things when we each focus on a limited range of activities?

Learning by doing: acquiring skills as we produce things
Learning in ability: Some people are better at producing things then others

What is an essential condition for the operation of markets?

The goods need to be private property: buyers will not want to pay for goods unless they can have the right to own them

How can capitalism lead to creative destruction?

According to Joseph Schumpeter: Firms that to not adapt and stay with old technologies are swept away by the new, because they cannot compete in the market. In his view, the failure of unprofitable firms is creative because it releases labour and capital goods for the use in new combinations.

How did capitalism result in the accumulation of capital goods?

Capitalism offered a security of property rights, so that those who invested in new capital goods could be confident that their property could not be confiscated (by e.g government)

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