Water, minerals and trace elements - Iron - Health effects of iron

5 important questions on Water, minerals and trace elements - Iron - Health effects of iron

What does the condition anemia entail in terms of biological conditions in the body?

A low concentration of red blood cells and, or, haemoglobin in the blood

What 2 things characterize the red blood cells of a person with anemia caused by iron deficiency?

  • Small red blood cells
  • Pale colored red blood cells

What are 3 characteristics of red blood cells that are used to diagnose the origin of anemia?
EX of different origins: iron deficiency, endocrine disorders, folate deficiency, etc.

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What 5 symptoms and results can iron deficiency anemia lead to?

  • Fatigue
  • Weakness
  • Low physical endurance
  • Reduced cognitive performance
  • Reduced immunity (increasing risk of infections)

What are the 2 main causes of iron deficiency anemia?

  1. Consumption of a diet which is poor in (bioavailable) iron
  2. In relation to bleeding
    1. People who menstruate
    2. Pregnant women/women that recently gave birth
    3. People in developing countries that have intestinal bleeding caused by parasitic worms

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