Water, minerals and trace elements - Calcium - Calcium content in foods

8 important questions on Water, minerals and trace elements - Calcium - Calcium content in foods

What sources of calcium are exceptionally good sources?

Cheese and other dairy products

What happens during the process of fortification of foods?

Fortification of foods is the process of adding micronutrients to foods that are naturally low in those nutrients
(EX: adding calcium to cereal, soy milk, orange juice)

How come that the bioavailability of calcium differs for different foods?

The level of bioavailability is reduced by the presence of compounds that bind calcium (EX: phytate, oxalate)
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Next to dairy products, what other types of foods have a good amount of calcium?

Green leafy vegetable;
Beans and legumes

What is the RDA for adults in many countries set at? And for elderly?

1000 mg/day;
1200 mg/day

What does not meeting the calcium requirement over a long time mean for the body?

Less calcium is deposited in the bones, which may make the bones weaker and more prone to fracture

What age-related condition can a (lifelong) low calcium intake increase the risk of getting?


What happens to the bones of a person with osteoporosis?

A gradual loss of calcium from the bone which partly causes a decrease in bone mass and bone strength

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