Water, minerals and trace elements - Iron - Iron content in foods

5 important questions on Water, minerals and trace elements - Iron - Iron content in foods

From what property of meats that contain iron can you tell which meat has more iron than the other?

The darkness of the meat;
EX: liver is darker and contains more iron than chicken breast

What happens to iron during the processing of grains?

Most of the iron is present in the germ (kiem) which is often removed during processing, and thus the iron is lost from the product
(EX: thus, white bread contains less iron and whole wheat bread contains plenty of iron)

Why is it beneficial that iron presents in the form of heme iron in animal foods?

Heme iron is much better absorbed into the body than non-heme iron
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In what 2 ionic forms can non-heme iron be in (plant) foods?

Fe2+, ferrous ion;
Fe3+, ferric ion

Why is it difficult to give an estimate of the relative absorption of iron from a food?

The relative rate of iron absorption is highly influenced by someone's iron status
(Low iron status --> lower absorption, high iron status --> higher absorption)

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