Basic principles of micronutrients - Basic principles of vitamins and minerals - Overview of micronutrients

11 important questions on Basic principles of micronutrients - Basic principles of vitamins and minerals - Overview of micronutrients

Between water-soluble vitamins and fat-soluble vitamins, which is more stable to heat?

Fat-soluble vitamins

What does it mean for the one division of vitamins that it is more stable to heat in terms of processing and cooking of foods?

Fat-soluble vitamins are less likely to be lost

Why does anything that interferes with fat absorption from the intestine result in lower absorption of fat-soluble vitamins?

Fat-soluble vitamins are absorbed from the intestine along with fats in foods
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What part of the body do fat-soluble vitamins move into after absorption from the intestine?

First into the lymph system, then into the blood

Why do fat-soluble vitamins need different means of transportation than water-soluble vitamins through the body?

Fat-soluble vitamins are not soluble in water, thus also not in blood

What molecules are required to transport fat-soluble vitamins through the body/through the blood?

Specific carrier proteins

How are water-soluble vitamins transported through the body?

They travel freely, as they are soluble in blood

What does the fat-soluble quality of the fat-soluble vitamins mean for retention of the vitamins by the body?

They are stored in considerable amounts in the liver and fat tissues until needed; they are not excreted via the urine

What does the difference in retention by the body for fat-/water-soluble vitamins mean for the consumption of each in line with preventing deficiency?

Fat-soluble vitamins: can be consumed in large amounts & less often as they can be stored and later used
Water-soluble vitamins: need to be consumed more regularly

Why are fat-soluble vitamins at a larger risk for toxicity?

They can be stored longer which means that excess can build up

Which water-soluble vitamin is an exception to the poor retention 'rule' of water-soluble vitamins?


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