Water, minerals and trace elements - Water and health

5 important questions on Water, minerals and trace elements - Water and health

There are many claims about drinking lots of water and its contributions to good health. Are these claims substantiated?

No, they are very poorly substantiated;
We need water for a lot of bodily functions, but drinking extra water does not necessarily improve those functions

What is the difference between bottled water and mineral water?

Bottled water is water in a bottle;
Mineral water is water that is tapped at the source and has undergone little to no treatment (it can also come in a bottle)

What 3 minerals are mineral waters usually rich in, and which mineral do they sometimes contain in lager amounts?

  • Calcium
  • Magnesium
  • Bicarbonate
  • Sodium
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How can contaminated water in poor rural areas over the world lead to childhood mortality?

Contaminated water -> gastro-intestinal infection in children -> (chronic) diarrhea -> severe (chronic) dehydration -> death by dehydration
Children (as well as elderly) are especially sensitive to dehydration

Where does tap water come from?

Large wells, lakes, rivers or reservoirs

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