Book summary - molecular pathology: connecting phenotypes to genotypes

3 important questions on Book summary - molecular pathology: connecting phenotypes to genotypes

Two questions in the molecular pathology?

  1. What a variant does in a gene product
    1. Which one leads to a gain of function or a loss of function
  2. What it does to the person.

Variety mechanisms that cause a gain of function?

Cancer feature a variety of overactive growth-promoting genes (oncogenes) --> gain of function
A gene product can gain function through a variety of mechanisms:
  1. Making extra copies of an active gene so as to produce a quantitative increase in the amount of product (gene amplification)
  2. Chromosomal rearrangements that place an oncogene under the influence of a powerful enhancer, so as to increase the level of expression
  3. Chromosomal rearrangements that create novel, highly active chimeric genes by combining exons of wo separate genes.
  4. Missense changes that alter the properties of a protein

Compensated pathogenic deviation?

a sequence variants that are pathogenic in humans but neutral in other species.

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