What to know
19 important questions on What to know
Which pillars form the foundation of the methodology?
- attitudes v behaviors: attitudes are not very good predictors of behiour
- individuals v groups: groups are different entities to individuals
- descriptive v diagnostic: what versus why
- personalities v personas: people have multiple persona's
- push v pull: audience will choose what they want to consume
- product attributes v alignment: the answer is in the audience not in the product
What are the phases of the BDM?
- Strategic Campaign Planning
- Actor and Audience Analysis
- Campaign Intervention Strategie
- Implementation
- Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL)
Which stages contain the Strategic campaign planning? and what research is applied?
- problem exploration: orientation research secondary source
- audience segmentation: qual/quant
- influence planning: qual
- TAA planning (AAA-planning) (MOE-indicators)
- Higher grades + faster learning
- Never study anything twice
- 100% sure, 100% understanding
What are the aims of of the strategic campaign planning?
- to structure the problem space, to provide a diagnostic system representation of groups and behaviors comprising the problem
- to identify and research paired groups and behaviors critical to the problem in order to select an target audience for further research
- understand the problem through a PSM to yield a AAA research plan including MOE baseline indicators
What are are the methods used during the strategic campaign planning?/
- Discussion
- Cultural Analysis
- sms interviews/ small sample interviews/ unstructured interviews
- web extraction
- large squale quant
- focus groups
- begin design of statistical mathematical modeling
What are the outputs of the strategic campaign planning?
- initial problem space map
- target group/ audience and behavior shortlisting
- full problem space analysis/ space map
- AAA research plan
- finalist behavioral objectives
What stages contain the Actor and audience Analysis? and what research is applied?
- Audience exploration : qual
- Formal Qual and Quant AAA: Qual
- Formal Quant AAA & MOE: quanta
- Target audience profiling
What is the aim of the Actor And Audience Analysis?
What methodes are used during the target audience analysis (TAA)?
- semi-structured depth interviews
- qualitative analysis
- binary perceptual mapping
- standardised questionnaires
- statistics
- discussion
What outcomes does the Actor and Audience Analysis generate?
- Basic TA profiles
- hypotheses gereration
- Parameter identification
- hypothesis and parameter validation
- statistics summery report
- full CTG and TA profiles
How can a problem be defined? and what is often the problem with these?
that they are conceptual and perceptual
they need an owner and a reason that the owner cares: this is called the concept
What is the BDM useful for? when do you start with an DB NDB?
- Creating (communication) strategies to solve a behavioural problem
- Creating (communication) strategies to instigate a (new) positive (desired) behaviour
- An analysis before a mission
- An analysis to create a pathway to achieving a strategic end goal (without fixed behavioural objectives)
What is the main role of a Problem space map?
What is the most important we need to understand while making a PSM and during the rest of te BDM proces?
from whose perspective this is being assessed
how it can be measured
What do we mean by a group?
What do we mean by a group behavior pair?
With which relatively rapid set of parameters is qualitative shortlisting been done?
salience of impact: ( the estimated affect that the campaign is likely to have on the overal objectives if a specific group of people is targeted successfully by a campaign)
influencebility: (an estimate of how realistic it would be to expect a particular group to be influenced by a campaign and subsequently change their behavior)
measurebility: an estimate of the degree to which a change in behavior can be measured
What differentiates de BDI methodology?
- the use of iterative phased research
- setting behavioral objectives (and attitudinal ones where relevant - translated into behavioral indicators)
- audience centric not audience focused Research
- group research above individual aggregates
- robust MOE integrated from the start
- Action Based Research (in contrast of Reseach of understanding (by far most academic social scientific Research)
- the measurement of academically validated and field trailed research parameters
Which big psychological ideas can help us to understand the course better?
- psychological science
- Bio-psychological model
- Dual system theory
- positive psychology
The question on the page originate from the summary of the following study material:
- A unique study and practice tool
- Never study anything twice again
- Get the grades you hope for
- 100% sure, 100% understanding