Network analysis tools - Filtered show commands - Regular expressions

8 important questions on Network analysis tools - Filtered show commands - Regular expressions

What can be used to match words or text fragments in a line of text?

regular expressions

The full use of what syntax allows you to build complex expressions that match very specific text patterns?

the regular expression

What matches the characters at the beginning of a string?


^234 matches 2345 but not 12345
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What regular expression character matches one of the character (patters) on either side of the pipe. This pattern is similar to the logic OR...

|        10|20|30 matches 10,20 or 30

What regular expression pattern matches the character or null string at the end of a regular expression?

$     123$ matches 0123 but not 1234

What regular expression character matches zero or more sequences of the character preceding the asterisk. Also acts as a wildcard for matching any number of characters...

*     2345* matches 2345, 2345 2345, 2345 2345 2345 etc

What can you use to narrow down the output in show commands to display only relevant information?

Regular expressions

What command shows the information for the GigabitEthernet0/0 interface,  but filters using a regular expression displays any line that begins with the string “Giga” or any line that includes the strings “errors” or “packets.”?

R1# show interfaces GigabitEthernet0/0 | include ^Giga|errors|packets

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