Not only this moment, but regularly or always

6 important questions on Not only this moment, but regularly or always

Dit rapport bestaat uit drie delen.

This rapport consists of three parts.

Is dit een bedrijf dat reclame maakt op internet?

Is this company that advertises on the internet?

He (own) two businesses in town. He is a rich man.

He owns two businesses in town. He is a rich man.
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I (usually + get) up at 7 o'clock. That is my habbit.

I usually get up at 7 o'clock. That is my habbit.

An estate agent (sell) houses. That is his/her job.

An estate agent sells houses. That is his/her job.

I (never + use) my mobile Phone while I drive. It is dangerous to do so.

I never use my mobile Phone while I drive. It is dangerous to do so.

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