Present continuous of simple present

27 important questions on Present continuous of simple present

We normally ... (hold) our sales conference in Spain, but this year we ... (hold) it in Poland.

We normally hold our sales conference in Spain, but this year we are holding it in Poland.

Although we ... (use) our own sales rep at the moment, we generally ... use agents in Japan.

Although we are using our own sales rep at the moment, we generally use agents in Japan.

It normally ... (take) us two years to develop a new prodcut. How is that with you?

It normally takes us two years to develop a new product. How is that with you?
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We ... (not often - raise) our prices more than 5%, but this time we ... (raise) them by 10%.

We do not often raise our prices more than 5%, but this time we are raising them by 10%.

Usually our Sales Director ... (deal) with important costumers. That is the procedure.

Usually our Sales Director deals with important costumers. That is the procedure.

We ... (usually - recruit) from within the company, but this time we ... (advertise) externally.

We usually recruit from within the company, but this time we are advertising externally.

We ... (rent) offices only until our new headquaters are ready.

We are renting offices only until our new headquaters are ready.

The company ... (want) to archieve record sales this year.

The company wants to archieve record sales this year.

You can't see Tom now. He ... (have) a meeting then.

You can't see Tom now. He is having a meeting then.

What ... (she - do) in the morning? She usually ... (have) meetings then.

What does she do in the morning? She usually has meetings than.

Ann ... (make) a presetation all by herself at the moment. She ... (make) all her own presentations.

Ann is making a presentation all by herself at the moment. She makse all her own presentations.

"(you - believe) ... all that the newspaper say?" "No, I ...(not believe) any of it." "Then why ... (you - read) that newspaper now?"

"Do you believe all that the newspapers say?" "No, I do not beleive any of it." "Then why are you reading that newspaper?"

"Listen, this care ... (make) a very strange noise. Do you think it is all right?"

"Listen, this care is making a very strange noise. Do you think it is all right?"

Their factory ... (turn out) several times thousands of bottles per day, every day.

Their factory turns out several times thousands of bottles per day, every day.

Philip (buy) two new plants a fortnight ago.

Philip bought two new plants a fortnight ago.

Nokia (cancel) only two orders over the past two years.

Nokia has cancelled only two orders over the past two years.

When (you give up) investing in real estate?

When did you give up investing in real estate?

We (live) in Groningen for 3 years so far. Before that we (live) in Haren for 10 years.

We have been living in Groningen for 3 years so far. Before that we lived in Haren for 10 years.

The industry (suffer) huge losses last year.

The industry suffered huge losses last year.

Early this month this company (lay off) 2.000 workers.

Early this month this company laid off 2.000 workers.

They (dismiss) more than 6.000 people so far.

The have dismissed more than 6.000 people so far.

Unfortunataly, he (leave) the company last month.

Unfortunately, he left the company last month.

In yesterday's speech the CEO (only - touch) upon the matter.

In yesterdays's speech the CEO only touched upon the matter.

There (be) a shortage of raw materials for some time now.

Ther has been a shortage of rwa materials for some time now.

Since 2004 there (be) quite enough jobs for graduates.

Since 2004 there have been quite enough jobs for graduates.

A new Sales Manager (take over) the Department last year.

A new Sales Manager took over the Department last year.

Since then our sales in the UK (show) a striking improvement.

Since then our sals in the UK have show a striking improvement.

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