Comparing Alternatives - Study analyses period

4 important questions on Comparing Alternatives - Study analyses period

What is the study period/planning horizon?

Selected time over which mutually exclusive alternatives are compared.

What are [2] situations in comparison of useful lives of alternatives?

  1. Useful lives are the same for all the alternatives and equal to the study period.
  2. Useful lives are different among the alternatives and at least one does not match the study period.

In unequal lives among alternatives explain the repeatability assumption [2]

  1. Study period over which the alternatives are being compared is either indefinitely long or equal to a common multiple of the lives alternatives;
  2. The economic consequences to happen in an alternative initial useful life span will also happen in all replacements;
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When the repeatability assumption is not met what assumption is used?

Coterminated assumption
Uses a finite and identical study period for all alternatives.

Repeatability assumption is almost never met in real-life. 

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