Dealing with Multiattributed Descicisions - Compensatory models

8 important questions on Dealing with Multiattributed Descicisions - Compensatory models

What is a utile?

A dimensionless unit of worth;

What are [3] noncompensatory models?

  1. Nondimensional scaling;
  2. Hurwicz procedure;
  3. Additive weighting technique;

What is nondimensional scaling?

A way to standardize attribute values by converting them to nondimensional form;
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What are [2] important points to consider in normalisation?

  1. Nondimensional values should all have  a common range;
  2. Dimensionless attributes should follow the same trend with respect to desirability;

What is the maximax rule considering normalization has been executed;

Pick the highest attribute value for an alternative;

What is the hurwicz procedure?

Provides a mean of reaching an intermediate level between the pessimism of maximin and the optimism of maximax. It is based on an index of optimism (alpha).

alpha = 0 pure pessimism;
alpha = 1 pur optimism;    

The best alternative is chosen on the basis of the weighted sum.

How to calculate the weighted sum in the hurwicz procedure?

Weighted sum per alternative =
alpha * (value best attribute) +
(1-alpha) * (value of the worst attribute;

Explain the additive weighting technique;

  1. Assign relative ranks | Ranks of importance of the attribute;
  2. Normalize relative ranks;
  3. Normalize attribute values for alternatives;
  4. Multiply 2 and 3;

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