Money - Time Relationships and Equivalence - Concept of equivalance

4 important questions on Money - Time Relationships and Equivalence - Concept of equivalance

How can alternatives for providing the same service or accomplishing the same function be compared when interest is involved, over extended periods of time?

Reducing alternative options to an equivalent basis.

Equivalent basis is dependent on what [4] things?

  1. The interest rate
  2. The amounts of money involved
  3. The timing of monetary receipts or expenses
  4. The manner in which interest or profit on invested capital is paid and the initial capital is recovered. 

Notation of cash flow diagrams

What do the following mean?
  • i
  • N
  • P
  • F
  • A   

  • i =   effective interest rate per interest period;
  • N = number of compounding periods;
  • P = present sum of money;
  • F = future sum of money;
  • A = end of period cash flows (uniform series continuing for a       specified number of periods)
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What are [3] basic rule when performing arithmetic calculations with cash flows?

  1. Cash flows cannot be added or subtracted unless they occur at the same point in time;
  2. To move a cash flow forward in time by one-time unit, multiply the magnitude of the cash flow by (1+i) where is the interest rate that reflects the time value of money;
  3. To move a cash flow backwards in time by one-time unit, divide the magnitude of the cash flow by (1+i);

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