Cost Estimation Techniques - Integrated approach

11 important questions on Cost Estimation Techniques - Integrated approach

Describe the term 'Cost-estimating'

Describe the process by which the present and future cost consequences of engineering designs are forecasts.

What are [4] purposes of 'cost estimating' ?

  • Setting a selling price for quoting, bidding or evaluation
  • Can a proposed product be made and distributed at a profit
  • How much capital can be justified for process changes/improvements
  • Establish benchmarks productivity improvement programs

What are [2] fundamental approaches to cost-estimating
  • explain
  • when in the process

Usage of historical data from similar engineering projects to estimate the costs, revenues and other data for the current project by modifying these data.

Early in the process when alternatives are still being developed.

Break down a project into small, manageable units, to estimate their economical consequences, added together with other types of cost to obtain an overall cost estimate.

Details concerning the desired output have been defined and clarified.       
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What are the three basic components in an integrated approach to developing the net cash flows?

  1. Work Breakdown Structure - WBS
  2. Cost and revenue structure - classification
  3. Estimating technique - models

Explain the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)

A framework for defining all the project work elements and their relationships. Each level divides the work elements into increasing detail.

What are [3] characteristics of an Work Breakdown Structure WBS

  1. Functional and physical work elements are included
  2. Content and resource requirements for a work element are the sum of the activities and resources of subelements below it
  3. Includes recurring and nonrecurring work elements

  • Functional work elements
  • Physical work elements

Functional work elements
logistical support, project management, marketing, engineering, system integration

Physical work elements
Product, equipment | They require labor.

Explain the cost and revenue structure

Identifying and categorizing costs and revenues that need to be included using the integrated approach for cashflow.

In what way is it important to include the life-cycle concept and WBS in the cost and revenue structure?

The life cycle defines the time period, what and when (range of cost and revenue elements to be considered)

The WBS focuses the analysts' effort on the specific functional and physical work elements of a project.

What is the most serious error in cost and revenue structures?

Overlooking important categories of costs and revenues | Make a checklist!

List [10] things typically needed in cost and revenues of engineering economy studies

  1. Capital investment (fixed and working)
  2. Labour cost
  3. Material cost
  4. Maintenance cost
  5. Property taxes and insurance
  6. Quality costs
  7. Overhead costs
  8. Disposal costs
  9. Revenues
  10. Market values

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