Capital Financing and Allocation - Weighted Average Cost Capital

11 important questions on Capital Financing and Allocation - Weighted Average Cost Capital

What is the separation principle?

Evaluating investment projects at the WACC/MARR regardless of how they are being financed. This separates the investment decision from the financing decision and requires;

  • NPV >= 0 at the WACC/MARR; 
  •   IRR >= WACC/MARR;

Value creation for the investors

Say something about WACC and risk considering |
  • Businesses with average risk;
  • Businesses with high risk;

Businesses with average risk
and no significant capital limitations, WACC is an appropriate hurdle;

Bussiness with high risk
Use a higher discount rate (WACC) (using WACC from similar projects);

Give different WACC risk classes and corresponding projects;

High risk | Discount rate 40%
  • New products;
  • Acquisitions;
  • Joint ventures;
Moderate risk | Discount rate 25%
  • Capacity expansion to meet forecasted sales;
Low risk | Discount rate 15%
  • Cost improvement projects;
  • Replacement;
  • Capacity increase to meet existing orders;
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What is the definition of joint ventures?

A business arrangement in which two or more parties agree to pool their resources for the purpose of accomplishing a specific task.

Assumption | Projects are not mutually exclusive

What are possible classifications for investment proposals?

  1. Kinds and amounts of scarce resources used;
  2. According to whether the investment is tactical or strategic
  3. According to the business activity involved | Marketing, Production, Warehousing;
  4. According to priority | Essential, necessary, economically, desirable;
  5. According to the type of benefits expected to be received | Increased profitability, reduced risk;
  6. Involvement facility replacement, expansion or product improvement;
  7. The way benefits from the proposed project are affected by other proposed projects;

What does a tactical investment constitute?

Not a major departure from what the firm has been doing generally involves small amounts of funds.

What does strategic investment constitute?

Results in major departure what a firm has done in the past and may involve large sums of money.

What is very important in capital investment proposals? [3]

Effective communication of |
  • Bases and assumptions used for estimation;
  • Level of confidence does the proposer have regarding these estimates;
  • How can the investment outcome be affected by variations in these estimated values;  

What is the postmortem review?
  • For what [3] reasons is it important?

Comparison of earning or costs actually realized on an undertaken project compared to the corresponding quantities estimated at the time the project investment was committed.

  • Have planned objectives been obtained;
  • Is corrective action required;
  • Improves estimating and future planning;

What is meant with project A is a prerequisite for project B?

Project A is resulting in benefits only or needs to happen before doing project B;

What is meant with project A being a substitute for project B?

Project A has decreased benefits for project B;

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