Cost Concepts and Design Economics - Accounting Fundamentals

7 important questions on Cost Concepts and Design Economics - Accounting Fundamentals

Give the definition of liabilities

While keeping in mind the fundamental accounting equation give [3] things belonging to liabilities. 

Things of monetary value that the firm owns

Give the definition of owners' equity

While keeping in mind the fundamental accounting equation give [2] things belonging to owners' equity.

Worth of what the firm owes to its stockholders

In the fundamental accounting equation, what can owners' equity be replaced by?

Assets = liabilities + (beginning owners' equity + revenue - expenses)
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What is an income statement (and a different naming)?

Summary of the revenue and expenses results of operations over a period of time.

Profit-and-loss statement 

Explain the difference between a balance sheet and income statement

  • The balance sheet is like a snapshot of the firm at an instant of time
  • The income statement is a summarized moving picture of the firm over an interval time

  • What does revenue serve?
  • What do expenses serve?

Revenue serves to increase owners' interests in a firm
Expenses serve to decrease the owners' equity amount for a firm

Explain the difference between direct and indirect cost (material/labour) and an important remark

When there is no ability to specifically assign costs they can be categorized as an indirect cost.  These overhead costs must necessarily be attached to each unit produced in proper proportion to the benefits received since they are customarily associated with a certain level of production.

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