The visual arts

15 important questions on The visual arts

Impressionism, Cubist, Surrealists, Op-art, Surrealism

Type of artist and schools of art of the last 150 years

Original (opp predictable)

New in a special and interesting way

Highbrow (opp lowbrow)

Intended for educated, intelligent people
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Impenetrable (opp transparent)

Extremely difficut to understand

Sophisticated (opp primitive)

Showing advanced skills and understanding

Challenging (opp undemanding)

Demanding considerable effort to be understood

Dazzling (opp pedestrian)

Inspiring great admiration because it is brilliant in some way

Evocative (opp uninspiring)

Calling up images and memories

Thought-provoking (opp unstimulating)

Making people thing

Exquisite (opp clumsy)

Having rare beauty or delicacy

Intriguing (opp dreary)

Interesting because it is strange or mysterious

Peerless (opp run-of-the-mill)

Better than any other

Tongue-in-cheek (opp earnest)

Not intended to be taken seriously, despite appearing serious

Priceless (opp worthless)

Extremely valuable

Skilful (opp poorly done)

Clever, masterly, done well

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