Commenting and problematic situations

14 important questions on Commenting and problematic situations

Things can have a negative impact on you

Badly affected

Prevented from continuing as intended


Fail because of a lack of support

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No to do anything; let others act instead (idiom)

Take a back seat

Act positively to face and attack the problem (idiom)

Take the bull by the horns

Do/say things that maken the situation worse(idiom)

Stir things up

Do/say things that calm the situation down(idiom)

Pour oil on troubled waters

State exactly what my position is(idiom)

Lay my cards on the table

Find the true explanation(idiom)

Get to the bottom of things

Make them pay attention(idiom)

Sit up and take notice

Better days are ahead(idiom)

The tide has turned

See that a difficult situation may be ending soon(idiom)

See the light at the end of the tunnel

Made peace/stopped fighting each other(idiom)

Buried the hatchet

Ingnored/deliberately forgotten without solving it(idiom)

Swept under the carpet

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