The Entrepreneurial Process

10 important questions on The Entrepreneurial Process

A business plan has got four roles

  • Analyzis tool: used internally to find strength and weaknesses, as well as opportunity & threats of org.
  • communication tool: explain logic and goals of the org. to other parties
  • Increase netrepreneurs commitment to realisation of the project
  • Blueprint: detailed guide to action

Locus of discovery vs. exploitation

  • Disc. is independent & Expl. is independent: Independent start-up
  • Disc. is corporate & expl. is independent: spin-off
  • Disc is indpendent & expl is corporate: acquisition
  • Disc is corporate & expl is corporate: corporate ventury

Business ideas are result of 3 search processes

  • Pro-active search: look for new opportunity because you want to
  • Reactive search: because you have to (unemployed etc.)
  • Fortuitous discovery: discovered by coincidence
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Small Business Owner vs. Entrepreneur

Small Business Owner
  • Establish business for personal goals
  • Business is primary source of income and time
  • Owner perceives business as an extension of his own personality
  • Establish business for profit & growth
  • Characterized by innovative behaviour

Discovery and exploitation are seperable. An opportunity is a precondition for discovery, which is a precondition for exploitation.

Three situations can cause a lack of balance  between the two

  • When to much emphasis on discovery, no value will be created
  • When to much emphasis on exploitation, not enough value because risk that founders have not tuned customer needs
  • When try to appropriate all value created by product, rather then sharing benefits with customer

Small Business vs. Entrepreneurial Venture

Small Business
  • Any business that is independently owned
  • Not dominant in field
  • Doesn't engage any new marketing activities
Entrepreneurial Venture
  • Goals are profit & growth
  • Characterized by innovative strategy

3 types of venture ideas

  • Opportunity recognition: low uncertainty, because sources of supply & demand exist obviously
  • Opportunity discovery: medium uncertainty, only one side exist obviously
  • Opportunity creation: highest uncertainty, neither exist obviously

Discovery vs. Exploitation (in entrepreneurial process)

Discovery is
  • Used for the idea side of business development
  • Developing business idea, and uitwerking hiervan (creation of individuals)
Exploitation is
  • activities to realize the idea, evolve over time

There could be tension between structural/planned (shane & kloften) vs. emerging/chaotic situations.

Thats why Sarasvathy came with an alternative entrepreneurial logic

  • Effectuation: this process take a set of means as given and focus on selecting between possible effects that can be created with that set of means.

2 models of entrepreneurial process

  • Shane: its a process of setting up a new business resulting in new market offer
  • Kloften: at least a minimum amount of cornerstones must be reached (few may not help if others are underdeveloped)

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