Networking and the Small Business

4 important questions on Networking and the Small Business

4 components of social networking activity

  • Actors
  • Links
  • Flows
  • Mechanisms

Networks play a role in the building of technological competence within SE. 
There are three technological competence trajectories established

  • competence widening: diversification of technological competence of a firm
  • competence deepening: improvement of excisting technological competences of a firm
  • competence narrowing: abandoning a set of excisting projects, procceses or products

Network of entrepreneur plays a few important roles

  • Generate social support for the actions of the entrepreneur
  • help extend the strategic competence of entrepreneur to opportunities and threats
  • supplement very limited resources of entrepreneur
  • Higher grades + faster learning
  • Never study anything twice
  • 100% sure, 100% understanding
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Entrpreneurs and network in different stages

  • Early stage of development rely heavily on informal network like friends or family
  • at later stages it becomes more and more formal

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