Strategy and the Small Business

10 important questions on Strategy and the Small Business

Competitive strategy, defined by Porter, 3 questions

  • how to compete
  • what are the goals
  • what policies are needed to carry out those goals

The essence of a good strategy

  • must be feasible (haalbaar), consistent with org. resources
  • must provide clear competitive advantage
  • must be a fit between org. and external environment
  • must have clear understanding of market & competitors

Often a SE has no formal strategy, it reflects personal goals of owner. 
Strategy making in SE is characterized by

  • Improvisation (design & execution occur simultaneously)
  • informal
  • unstructured
  • Higher grades + faster learning
  • Never study anything twice
  • 100% sure, 100% understanding
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Arguments in favour of adopting a formal planning for SE

  • plannint is crucial for survival of SE
  • owner is central in planning process
  • owner must have sufficient time for planning
  • planning only possible if good info is available

2 functions of a formal plan

  • communicating device: communication plan to others (banks/investors)
  • control device: guideline for owner, measuring actual vs. expected performance

Benefits of formal planning

  • allocate scarce resources in a better way
  • make decisions in a more conscious way
  • varify planned goals
  • efficient use of time
  • better financial management
  • statement of goals and objectives

Reasons for absence of formal planning in SE

  • clear sense of strategic direction (stick to startup plan)
  • centrality of owner
  • environmental context (in turbulence environment, planning is counterproductive)
  • rigidity of formal systems (flexible is better)
  • lack of time

Porter suggests that SE should pursue a focus strategy, this means

  • selecting segment in its industry
  • tailor strategy to serve the segment
  • differentiate product and offer high-quality
  • danger: incorrectly identify a niche, or niche is too small to survive

Strategic weaknesses that characterise SE is consequence of managerial desefficiencies of owner and resource desefficiencies of SE

  • lack of financial resources
  • marketing problems & customer concentration (depend on small number of customers, and spent little time on marketing)
  • human resources (problems attract good staff)
  • over reliance on entrepreneur (centralisation can be result)
  • technological skills (lack capacity to invest in new technique)

2 types of plans in business planning

  • Start-up plan: written document of who what why when and how a new business
  • Business plan for existing org: written document containing goals & strong/weak points of org. that directs the present and future activities of the org

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