Franchising and the Small Business

12 important questions on Franchising and the Small Business

Three typologies of SE reliance upon LE

  • Marketeers: firms that actually compete in same market as LE (ex. computers/restaurants)
  • Specialists: firms that carry out functions that LE do not find economic to perform (ex. specialized retail/repair/maintenance)
  • Satellites: SE is highle dependent on LE for majority on his trade

Advantages of franchising to the franchisor

  • Increase number of distributive outlets with little investment
  • Franchisee are highly motivated to maximize growth & profit
  • Franchisee is locally owned, so accepted in community
  • Franchisee is self-employed, so responsible for own payroll, rente etc.

Disadvantages of franchising to the franchisor

  • difficult to control, can lead to bad reputation
  • not always certain about declared level of business activity
  • when outlet seems demotivated, there's not much you can do as long as they handle in terms of contract
  • problems with information feedback
  • franchisor faced with paradox: there is a need for standardized pproduct, but an uniform presentation clashes with focus on personal attention of franchisee
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Advantages of franchising to the franchisee

  • running own business, and benefit from economies of scale and marketing
  • LE does advertising, so franchisee can focus on other aspects
  • less capital needed for setting up, franchisor can help with bank loan etc.
  • other franchisees in network can have same problems, so are source of non-threatening advice

Disadvantages of franchising to the franchisee

  • tight control of franchisor, leaves little space to impose own personality in business
  • When of franchisor is tarnished, franshisee may suffer due for being representative
  • services provided by franchisor may be a heavy expense
  • agreement may not fulfil franchisee expectations

Advantages of franchising to consumers & local economy

  • many franchisees operate on long hours of service
  • franchisees should be able to offer highly personal service
  • consumers can locate all outlets under single name
  • in case of franchisee failure, they can contact franchisor

Disadvantages of franchising to consumers & local economy

  • reduce level of diversity in local economy
  • may 'export' money out local economy by payments to franchisor
  • may 'import goods & services from franchisor rather then from small local suppliers

Advantages of franchising to national economy

  • franchising offers opportunities for individuals who seek self-employment, but miss experience and knowhow
  • franchising can offer possibilities of growth levels

Three facts about franchising in US

  • account for 35% of all retail sales in US
  • account for 10% of GDP in US
  • expanded by around 500% between 75-90

3 factors that stimulated growth of franchise

  • growth of economy since WOII
  • downsizing policies exercised by LE
  • corporate executive with necessary financial resources, seeking for self-employment

3 key documents prior to beginning of franchising

  • operating manual with instructions for guidance of franchisees
  • franchise contract, with legal obligations for both parties
  • franchisor prospects as a marketing tool for use in recruiting franchisees

6 main components of franchise contract

  • guarantees granted to franchisees of teritorial exclusively
  • franchisor's rights to their operating manuals
  • post termination restrictions in competition
  • franchisor's stakes in franchisee's businesses in owenership of site, equipment etc.
  • franchisor's rights to police quality of franchisee's output
  • franchisor's imposition of output targets

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