Innovation and the Small Business

11 important questions on Innovation and the Small Business

Innovation, in industry context

Schumpeter hypothesed firms in concentrated industries are better able to capture rents accuring from an innovation,, therefore greater incentive (prikkel) to undertake innovation.
  • Advantage of LE is promoted in capital-intensive industry
  • In highly innovative industry, SE is better

Degree of innovation depends on 2 dimensions:

  • Technology dimension: incremental vs. radical
  • Market dimension: imitation (new to firm), vs. innovation (new to market)
Problem: subjective!

3 factors for innovative advantage of LE

  • Innovation requires higher FC
  • R&D is risky, SE must invest large proportion of resources in single product
  • Scale economies in promotion, greater potential for LE
  • Higher grades + faster learning
  • Never study anything twice
  • 100% sure, 100% understanding
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The greatest source of generating new knowledgde is R&D. Measures of technological change involve on three major aspects of the innovative process

  • measure of inputs in innovative process (such as R&D expenditurs)
  • intermediate output (as the number of patent)
  • direct measure of innovative output (Objective: innovation count; subjective: firm-based survey)

Since 80s, government has active policies in supporting companies

  • Small Business Administration (SBA): loan programme to businesses that may have great impact on economy
  • Angel capital: informal private equity
  • Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR): helps ideas developing to become commercial

Innovation, in geographical context

SE are more closely tied into regional networks because they depend on networks for critical knowledge inputs

Factors for innovative advantage SE

  • Less bureaucracy
  • Benefit from researcher who felt thwarted by managerial restraints in LE
  • SE places innovative action at centre of competitive strategy

Simplyfied innovation process, 3 steps

  1. Conception: idea analysis and idea evaluation
  2. Implementation: development and testing of idea
  3. Marketing: production and market launch of idea

Innovation intermediat output measure:

  • adv: publicly available and comparable across countries & times
  • disadv: measures inventions ipv innovations, and not all innovations are pattented

Innovation input measure:

  • Adv: available from statistics & comparable across countries/times
  • Disadv: not all innovation comes from R&D, tendency to favour LE above SE

Innovation ouput measures:

Innovation count (objective)
  • adv: historical perspective available
  • disadv: favor product over process innovation, favor radical above incremental innovation, and it excludes unsuccesful innovation
Firm-based survey (subjective)
  • adv: differentiates among different kinds of innovation
  • disadv: subjective, representativeness of results depends on answer rates

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