Finance and the Small Business - Venture Capital and the Small Business

19 important questions on Finance and the Small Business - Venture Capital and the Small Business

Variety of funding sources to finance a new org. through stages of growth and development

  • personal savings entrepreneur
  • family & friends
  • business angels
  • venture capital
  • government

Sources to finance a new org. 
Venture Capital

  • Financial intermediars that attract money from financial institutions (banks, pension funds)
  • LE, wealthy families with specific investment focus
  • Larger amounts then angels, and at later stage

With changes in capital requirements and sources of finance, there are 4 different stages a firm can grow through

  • Seed stage: isn't founded yet, do not need a lot of money, depends on own money & friends
  • Start-up stage: financial needs rises, risk invesment is high. Depends on 'love money', business angels and government
  • Initial growth stage: business is growing, risk and uncertainty. No longer love money, solely business angels or venture capital
  • Sustained growth stage: grow a lot, bigger invesment, so venture capital
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Investment process of business angels


  • invest is big risk, some win some lose
  • most are motivated by fun of investing

investment process of venture capital

Post-investment involvement

  • VC use expertise & networks to make a variety of contributions to their investee companies
  • help with suppliers, customers, establish tactics & strategy etc

Sources to finance a new org. 
Government-backed investment organizations

  • government created investment vhicles to fill gaps in supply of venture capital
  • create investment funds under private management

sources to finance a new org.

Personal savings entrepreneur

Important for 2 reasons
  • he shows he's financialy commited to org.
  • other finance is hard to find in seed & start-up stage

Sources to finance a new org. 
Business Angels

  • High net-worth individuals, who invest own money directly in org.
  • No family connection, but hope to gain financial
  • play a hand on role in invested org.

investment process of venture capital

Deal structures

When decided to invest, agreement involves following elements:
  • Give investor control over key decissions
  • Give investor involvement in org.
  • Specify compensation for management
  • Investor will use investment instruments, that give protection

Investment process of business angels

Post-investment involvement

  • involvement differs per angel, some just a week, others years
  • angel can have different roles, but mostly its advisory

Investment process of business angels

Deal evaluation (2 stages)

  • Initial screening: angel decides if investment fits own personal criteria, wheter its worth time & money for second stage
  • Detailed investigation: investor takes closer look at business (business plan, financial info etc), and decides if he wants to negotiate a deal

Sources to finance a new org.

Family & Friends

  • biggest source for start up other then themselves
  • mostly short-term, sometimes equity share

Profile Business angel

  • Mostly male
  • Having wealth
  • experienced entrepreneur

Investment process of business angels 
Deal originating

  • First contact entrep. & angel.
  • Contact can begin formal (via lawyer etc) or informal (one just approaches the other)

Investment process of business angels

Negotiating & contracting

  • when decided to invest, angel must negotiate and contract
  • three main issues: valuation and structuring of deal (share prize, time for exit etc), and conditions of investment

Investment process of business angels

  • Deal origination
  • deal evaluation
  • negotiating & contracting
  • post-investment involvement
  • harvesting

Investment process of venture capital

  • source of investment opportunities
  • deal evaluation
  • deal structures
  • post-investment involvement
  • harvesting

investment process of venture capital


3 main mechanisms for harvesting:
  • public offering in which share of VC are sold
  • trade sale in which business is sold to other company
  • private placement, purchasing VC share by another investor

investment process of venture capital

Deal evaluation

  • likely as BA, but more thorough
  • VS invest at later stage, less risks
  • investment proposal concludes: concept, management and returning

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