Growth & Development in the Small Business

13 important questions on Growth & Development in the Small Business

Internal barriers that constrain SE growth

  • Owner & Size related constraints
  • Inadequacy of existing assets
  • difficulties with team building

Character of entrepreneur

In SE, the owner has a major impact. Which approach shows this

Personality dominated approach. This shows that the entrepreneur is the key to development.

The main external barrier that constrain SE devlopment

A rapid changing environment and industry structure
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Character of the entrepreneur 
Three identities of SE owner are identified that a relation to why indiviuals start & run a business

  • Artisan identity: owners role centres on intrinsic satisfaction of personal autonomy that running an org. enhails.
  • Classical entrepreneur identity: owners role centres on earnings & profit.
  • Managerial identity: owners priority is on getting recognition of others

Managers must learn to cope with unpredicted and rapid changing environment. 3 types of change situations

  • Closed change: organization can predict events of timing and consequences
  • Contained change: involve repitition of past events. Manager can take rational planning for control
  • Open-ended change: change is unknowable & unpredictable

Managing growth has 5 points:

  • Organizational learning: how SE copes with open ended change (can be done by complex learning, or simple learning if similar happened in the past)
  • Managing finance: as organisation grows, enhance financial skills
  • Developing marketing function: in early stages marketin is for owner, how to allocate when grow
  • Broadening customer base: while coping with existing
  • Decide when to introduce new management structure

Character of the entrepreneur

Personality influences on attitudes to

  • risk: willingnes to use external finance
  • personal autonomy: willingness to collaborate or use consultants
  • strategic management skills

Next to character of entrepreneur, of firm and management theories, there could be added a fourth to storey's theory

External environment influences
  • unpredictability has high impact on SE growth
  • can cause major problems by lack of understanding

SE's owner-size related constraints to growth

  • Organizational culture: personality & aspirations of owner, which shape constraining forces affecting a firm
  • Finance: ignorance of sources of risk capital may be constraining growth
  • Attracting quality people: SE cannot offer same salary and carreer path as LE.
  • Marketing problem: SE rely on informal marketing, constrain when growing oversea

Characteristics of the firm

Lewis' life-cycle model, 5 stages

Its not to explain what is happening, but to create guidance to entrepreneur who face problems in their effort to grow
  • Start-up (org. form: owner is business. Challenges: identity market & attract customers)
  • Survival/development (org. form: simple structure. Challenges: consolidate customer base & establish financial foundations)
  • growth (org. form: more formal. Challenges: managers willingness to lose control & attract good quality staff)
  • maturity (org. form: lines of authority consolidated. Challenges: invest in marketing & control costs)
  • decline (org. form: replacement of staff. Challenges: shrinkage operational activities)

Management strategies

Storey developed four key strategy factors for growing firms

  • willingness to share equity with external individuals or organizations, frequently identified in fast growing SE
  • Ability to identify market segments where they can built customer base
  • Willingness to introduce new products
  • owners willingness to delegate decision making (crucial to attract good people)

Difficulties with team building

  • Owner has to ensure that all tasks are allocated well
  • Subunits must work as a team, not as a group lacking of collective rationale

Characteristics of the firm

Younger firms grow more rapid, SE frow first then stabilize. Gibbs & Davis organizational approach:

Development sequences of a firm as it passes through a serie of stages at different points in its lifecycle.

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