Social Entrepreneuship

15 important questions on Social Entrepreneuship

The entrepreneurial dimension of social entrepreneurship

  • much in common with normal; business hero & skillful leader
  • share normal paradigml unexpected opportunity & creative exploitation
  • But, includes a priori (voorafgaand aan ervaring) social-moral motivation

Danger for social enterprise

focussing on generating income can distract a social venture from its true mission

Important writer Dees: social entrepreneur plays the role of change agent in social sector, by:

  • adopting a mission to create and sustain social value
  • recognize new opportunities to serve that mission
  • engaging in a process of continuous innovation, adaption and learning
  • acting boldly without being limited by resources
  • exhibiting a heightened sense of accountability for the outcomes created
  • Higher grades + faster learning
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Drives of social entrepreneurship on demand side

  • global crisis, like environment, health or poverty
  • social market failures

Two social enterprises exist

  • hybrid: integrates social & commercial objectives within its core activities
  • mixed: has its social activity linked to its commercial, but maintains clear boundaries between each

Social dimensions within a venture

Operational context

  • historicaly mainly healthcare, education and environment
  • three estates of society; market, state and civul society
  • private or public sector
  • four quadrants emerge (figure samenvatting)

Drives of social entrepreneurship on supply side

  • emergence of bigger middle class, combined with technological innovations
  • so: more resources are available. more money, info, people with time

Social entrepreneurs have a different view on business growth

  • Looking for social inpact istead of profit
  • Both networkers, but social eploit this for a broader range
  • urge to change is not for own benefit, but for benefit of stakeholdes

The social dimension of social entrepreneurship

  • focus on social innovation, and the opportunity recognition of new social value creation
  • add social impact throughout entire value chain

Social dimensions within a venture

Process of social venture

  • focused on social innovation and opportunity recognition of new social value creation
  • range of social missions adressed at different points in value chain
  • good at identify under utilized resources, and find new ways to use them

Three organizational models for social enterprise

  • embedded: mission centric social purpose enterprises
  • integrated: mission related enterprises as profit centres for subsidizing social purpose of the venture
  • complementary: unrelated to mission, leveraging tangible assets for income generation

Funding dimensions of social entrepreneurship

vary from
  • voluntary activism (not for profit, grant funded)
to social innovation
  • Social enterprise (fully self-funded)

Strategic focus of a social venture

  • reclaim innovation for public good
  • adress social market failures and identify opportunities for social value creation
  • social mission and fulfilling it is the first strategic objective

The social dimension is analyzed by looking at three operational dimensions within a venture

  • operating context (social or welfare sector)
  • process of social venture (engaging key stakeholder in operations)
  • outcomes and impacts (articulating its social mission)

Social dimensions within a venture

Outcomes and impacts

  • mission is explicit and central
  • mission related impact becomes central criterion, not wealth creation
  • problem is how to measure the outcome, none is sufficient

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